
Making Rachel Carson the most unsung mass murderer in history...

Yea, it’s almost like these movies are focused on telling the story of the Skywalkers or something...

I’m sorry, did you say petulant whiner?

It occurred to me that one of the biggest crimes of the prequel films (and spin-off materiel et al) is that none of it improves the dramatic impact of Darth Vader stepping through the bulkhead of the Tantive IV.

Dude, there’s way more than 2. I’ve got at least dozen Leia toys. You just need to buy more Star Wars shit.

Just like most interactions with the clitoris.

How many ways can we scream that sky is falling?Below are two links to IPCC climatologists who have quit because of data being tampered with and exaggerated. And the third is a list of 400 prominent scientists who dispute man-made global warming. All three sources are reputable.

Are you sure you are reading the Marvel comic? Vader is all offense, non-stop, take no prisoners while manipulating the Imperial command bad ass.

Yeah, kind of think you missed the point on the comics. Especially Darth Vader. They’re going out of their way to not only show him as a violent force of nature, but as a cunning manipulator and strategist.

Vader’s hardly being hunted. It’s a slaughter house out there.

So far I love Marvel’s Darth Vader comics. They’ve made him into a more specific character without at all making him less scary. “All I am surrounded by is fear and dead men,” Vader’s response when told he should surrender because he’s surrounded by an entire division, proves to be a threat he’s quite capable of

What are you talking about? The comics have finally made Vader scary again. He was The Emperor’s whipping boy in the movies too, so I don’t understand that complaint.

ahhh, didnt realize i was dealing with a troll till now

Don’t be ridiculous, it makes them paranoid and therefore better drivers, dontcha know?

Agreed, Germany’s plan for WW1 was to finish off France in a month with a few decisive battles so they could ship their troops East to fight the slower mobilizing, but large Russian army.

Not to down play anything but its super basic... Buoyancy FTW!

Ahh, but you're seeing how things are percolating through the system though, right?

It seems awfully convenient that we're just now reinterpreting the results of this experiment to perfectly match our current social issue du jour.

I think your natural selection argument is strong enough to demolish the 'vanished mountain' hypothesis. Butterflies go through several generations per year, so if the mountain has been gone for a million years, then several million generations have passed without the need for the eastward jag. Butterflies that cut