
Your thumbs up emoji reference is fine, but do not post your real thumb on social media.

Or maybe I just want to know if I can still eat this yogurt?

This post will replace dick jokes with Vick jokes

Early bird special?

Check it out, bro! I crushed 200 pull-ups, destroyed 50 kettlebell swings, performed 3 miracles, annihilated 40 box jumps, and was resurrected.

Serious questions about Groundhog Day (the movie, not the holiday).

Great question?

Not your own face, you mean.

"This one time my boss asked me to get him a #2 pencil, but I accidentally got him a #1.5 pencil by mistake. Ha ha ha!"

I, for one, am saddened by the absence of the formerly regular unintentional dong galleries.

How can we be sure the man did not as well?

I was at a wine bar about a week ago where a bro was doing this. Place was pretty low key so it was very noticeable.

Also the guy sitting at the bar trying to show the bartender every video on YouTube with full volume

Nekkid pix for everyone!

Sadly I didn't originate it but I'm happy to utilize it.

I fixed their ad.

Looking forward to his upcoming projects:

I remember it, and I don't want to go back.