
This is not getting enough love.

Please join me in my campaign to stop using the term "smartphone." At this point they are just "phones." Or "tiny magic space computer camera doodads."

So NOW you care about my boner.

My wish is to be cremated and have my ashes spread in my cat's litter box.

Can you prove he's alive? He says he's dead and I believe him.

I strongly recommend against shaving your zits.

On my iPhone, I use the built-in accessibility features to zoom in on stuff. Triple finger double tap. Nice thing about it is that it works on any app.

I don't appreciate this one bit.

Nickelback (too easy)

I'm not sure that citing 4chan as evidence that something is mainstream really makes your point.

I think it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking "I've known about this forever so surely everyone else does." I do it, too. But I'm pretty sure that if I didn't read Jezebel I would have never heard of Ana at all. It just isn't part of the mainstream culture.

I think that's the whole point. Most people probably haven't ever checked a pro-Ana site. I would venture most people would A) have no idea what the term "pro-Ana" even meant and B) are unaware that such sites even exist.

C'mon global warming, do your thang! Bring the Sriracha factory to Detroit

My biggest issue is that she hurt Rust, too, who was essentially collateral damage.

Would texting be okay?

Now imagine stuffing six singles into a vending machine

Microwave the toaster strudel for about 10-15 seconds first, then toast it on low-medium.

You can go to Deadspin and read [Other Sport Logos] as English Premier League badges if you want a change of pace.

His all have 5.....

Loves exclamation points!