
May I start on the 31st?

I got nine panty problems but peplum ain't one.

Donovan McNabb @donovanjmcnabb

They could allocate it to something other than subsidizing a stadium built by a huge corporation.

"I'm hit!"

I think they weren't bad. Shows you how important the delivery can be to selling a joke.

That sounds like a great offer!!! When can you start?? You are the perfect candidate for our needs!!!!!

Big deal. My local airport has gone through amazing lengths to give me the same experience every time I visit.

What defines an offense as a gimmick?

Seems like a lot happened to me. (Spoilers, duh)

I like to put some butter, salt, and pepper in the foil before grilling. Yum.

I agree. He deserved more than just the tripping.

You know something, Jon Snow.

The Corrections and Freedom are two of my favorite books of the last 20 years.


"Bruder points out that one twin might develop a particular disease…Parkinson’s, for example…while the other does not. Previously, it was thought that environmental factors were the likely culprits, not genetics. Bruder and Dumanski think their findings indicate that CNV may play a critical role and this can be

"Identical" twins are not genetically identical.

Yep, it's only men.

I can tell those kids are not getting a proper education because whoever recorded the video doesn't know to hold the phone sideways.

The police investigated but their chalk outline didn't really help.