
They played that “State’s Rights” card as far as they could, until too many people realized it was just a euphemism, rooted in defense of slavery in the old south, that basically said “Pass as many oppressive and hateful laws as we can without worrying about the Feds stopping us”

Not sure whether your reply was meant for me or someone else. McCoun’s published opinions are as liberal as you ‘ll find on the Federal bench. He obviously DIDN’T want to give this guy bail and HASN’T yet. He ruled that the Feds have not found any threatening messages from this guy and there were no written plans to

It’s a federal judge. They don’t handle traffic tickets and weed cases, with the exception of enormous amounts, aren’t handled in federal courts.

I’m a white male. Your comment hit hard. You are fucking right. Completely, utterly fucking correct.

Federal judges are not elected.

Bless you for saying what you did though. It can be hard to speak up to co-workers in a workplace.

Ugh just today I was listening to one of my coworkers ask other non Muslim coworkers why Islam is so messed up and of course they bring up Sharia Law, women being murdered, multiple wives etc.. I said “it’s amazing how none of you know any Muslims, ever read the a Koran or set foot in a Mosque are suddenly experts on

PSA! This is why those teeny little elections for judges are important to pay attention to! It’s really difficult, if they’ve never been a judge before, to figure out how they’ll be as a judge. They all say the same shit - reform, tough on crime, fairness, bla bla bla. From what I understand, the best thing to do is

I mostly agree. I just know too many public defenders who are not ok with this to agree that they want things to stay the same.

Worth repeating. It’s not just cops. It’s the entire justice system that is built and run by white men and women, liberal, progressive, conservative - it doesn’t matter on iota. Cops, judges, lawyers on both sides, probation folk, bounty hunters and bond’s folk, prison guards and for-profit prison owners and so forth.

It’s just wasteful to take up a doctor’s time with colds etc. If you’re too sick to go to work, you should be able to stay home. Anything beyond the usual (long term, more sick days than the policy allows, etc) would maybe warrant confirmation from a doctor, but requiring it every time is stupid.

And given what we know about Walmart’s health plan, requiring doctor’s notes is a MEGA dick move.

This shit blows my mind. And yet Republicans keep pushing for fewer and fewer regulations; the government should get out of the way and let the precious “job creators” do their thing for the good of the economy. Meanwhile Wal Mart shows time and time again that companies can’t even be trusted to do right with actual

I love the “thanks for not coming back.”

Thats exactly what white nationalists are, they have pretty much failed in everything at life. (look at richard spencer he was a grad school dropout who couldn’t hold a job before using his rich parents money to start the NPI)

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

It’s the ultimate Zombie Lie that refuses to die, no matter how much evidence is brought forth. Because fundamentally, Trump’s racist supporters refuse to believe anything that doesn’t confirm their racial biases.

I have no idea what you’re saying. Wikileaks is known for dumping the information they have with minimal redaction. And now that the Trump administration has called for Assange’s abduction and imprisonment, you can be sure that Wikileaks will gladly release damaging information out of spite.

but whoa whoa wait, let an elderly catch up. hasn’t these already been supeonaed? or requested?