It's true that the victim in question had a rough life: she was sexually molested multiple times as a child and raped by an uncle who fed her tons of hard drugs. She should've made better choices.
It's true that the victim in question had a rough life: she was sexually molested multiple times as a child and raped by an uncle who fed her tons of hard drugs. She should've made better choices.
Children cannot consent to sex with adults, and inmates cannot consent to sex with guards. The law is pretty cut-and-dried on this.
What the fuck is a "Little Miss Muffin?"
Except the Mediaite story pulled the same thing Jez did, putting the bra-lessness in the headline but then making it about the list.
This. Being transparent is one thing, being unprofessionally indiscreet is quite another.
I would suspect her boss would have more issues with #s 3, 6, 8, possibly 9 and definitely 10. I can't imagine they could care less about #1 given the rest of the list.
So, hating Olds, napping in the truck, stealing mail (a federal offense), and the general "I have no idea what I'm talking about statement" were not the biggest deal? The bra thing was?
"The details are unimportant, but basically, Chapman has to serve her year long sentence to pay her debt to society, because that's a good use of federal resources. Moving on."
Okay, you do realize that international drug cartels are horrible entities, right? You get that they murder people, torture people, bribe…
This shit makes me so frikkin mad I'm not even sensible. I'm 52 and in the throes of menopause and it makes me want to run out and get a D and C out of sheer spite.
60 for a woman is like 40 for a man. When it comes to aging - like, legitimate aging - the female body has a way of shutting that whole thing down.
Reagan and McCain were too old because they were run-down and heading towards senile/crazy (or serious brain degeneration in Reagan's case), not because of their actual numerical ages. Ms. Clinton strikes me as someone who remains vital and mentally capable. Some people at 50 aren't as with-it as she is.
Too old for what, exactly. Child bearing?!?
Love how these 2016 stories invariably get around to Bobby Jindal, whose spot on imitation of Kenneth the Page should follow him for the rest of his political life.
Ronald Reagan is the worst thing to have ever happened to this nation.
Old people vote republican in high numbers and the GOP is talking about age?
This is comedy gold.
I don't know, this is the same person who was actively shouting down any commenter who didn't like her pro-GMO hack piece. I think that might be why some people are targeting her—she's a bad writer who for some reason has been chosen to write about 'serious issues.' I can't speak for everyone, obviously, so it's…
There are certain concepts that vernacular much more efficiently conveys than formal language.
Note to self: Never touch another airline blanket.
According to the complaint, the man was investigated, charged, and pleaded guilty to the alleged crimes.