
This is satirical.

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If Samus did speak, I imagine she be like this...


So the Kinect functionality is not required, but damned if you're going to pay for it anyway.

You know their job is to make things look good, right? The people who came up with these ideas likely aren't anything to do with the teams who make the games (and thus think of awesome gameplay ideas). Think about it.

The problem is, they were getting this feedback from the customers long before their disastrous reveal, and long before Sony's E3 moment.

You mean like how MS has done over the last 5 years? Or have you not read anything from the likes of Aaron Greenberg, or seen E3 conferences with Mattrick in them? Sony's handling this like it should after 5+ years of MS bagging on them.


Andrew house is right, Phil Harrison is wrong. Sony has been consistent in its message, Microsoft was consistent in its screwing over gamers and indie devs message, got called out on it, then act like they were just kidding and want to be friends again. You won't earn trust back that easily Microsoft. Sony did the

They didn't listen. In fact, they were so gung ho about NOT changing, and how difficult it would be to remove things so integral to the system.

That is the one thing that annoys me about this interview. Those policies that built the platform were not really for gamers nor was their first press conference which showed media functionality. Who launches a console that is "built for gamers" but announces multimedia stuff like TV first. Since the reveal and 180 it

"We built a platform for gamers....."

NEW isn't always better. NEW Wii U... failure.

Telling the truth is a low-blow, now?

.. Are you kidding me? That's like saying you can just "delete" someone when they insult you in person. Yeah, shit happens, people say mean stuff, but they shouldn't get off scot-free because they say such things. They need to be punished, and it's a shame that Microsoft took such a long time to do that.

I would say that no matter how wrong Joe was about this and lets admit it, he was very wrong it did not merit being talked down to or having the mic snatched from his hands, that is what I'm getting at.

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Hey, to be fair, he's obviously very interested in the product he's marketing.

I'll just leave this here...

I still haven't forgiven the 'Major Nelson' for the way he treated Angry Joe, that was uncalled for... No matter how much of an ass Joe made of himself he didn't deserve that!

I can. If they were "listening to people's concerns" they wouldn't have gone through with any of their decisions to begin with, given the immense flack months and months prior to the e3 showing which only solidified all of the worrisome rumors as fact. And it wasn't until after the show when the pre-order numbers were
