
just reading your responses here, you seem like a colossal asshole. do you have any friends with that pedantic fucking attitude of yours

god bless you

honestly, i'm all for free use of the words this dude is using, but he uses them like a 7th grader that just started saying them. it's kind of obnoxious after a point

you know what would be great? if i could come to kotaku and not get redirected to a new fucking page every time i click on some negative space on my current page. why the fuck would links be hidden like that?

shouldn't we have a blizzara first?

"thanks for your concern. and dont worry about us ..worry about yourself," the developer said. "He might be a king to you but he is shit to me. you can always bully people but one day you meet the wrong one. and Please Do not reply because we are not interested about your concern and communication."

"I know he got the law on his side and little followers," said the developer. "some of the greenlight developers too have contact me that saying that does how he do use the law and He will get the the video back running. but that does not mean He will continue to enjoy the HARD WORK of the Indie Game Developers videos

also this shot was reversed for some reason. looks super strange when she puts the rolling pin to her shoulder

"social justice whiners" wow that's clever! you must be very smart.

they have a "not yet" score as well

A later project, called "The Desolate Hope," got praise (and criticism) for its pro-life message—the premise is that you play as a coffeepot that tries to save the life of a discarded embryo. People who follow geeky religious websites very well may have seen Scott's work in the past, before he was famous.

If you've noticed, many of the big viral games in recent years have mostly been horror games: Slender, P.T., Amnesia, and now, Five Nights. All of these games are great to play, for sure. But the way they spread has a lot to do with the culture of horror. Think about the scary myths we all hear when we're kids: how,

After about a month of this behavior she finally tells me she feels unwanted and she thinks I am depressed. I see the problem now, although I don't feel depressed exactly. I'm lonely and I'm struggling to my head above water at school, but I'm not intensely sad. She says she doesn't want the burden of being with

i still like the theory that you're a soldier of the darkness, explaining random shit like why enemies sometimes scream "the darkness!" when they see you

y'know, when the wii u was announced i remember a lot of people (myself included) saying that the idea wouldn't be as revolutionary as what the wii did with motion controls. but damned if the new norm isn't going to be streaming your games to handheld devices

i started to read it in a cockney accent after "ainnit?"

what the fuck are you talking about

i would like to hope that kotaku keeps this column, but tries to make it way less cringey. i'm sure there's knowledge to be imparted to the readership about dating and whatnot, but articles about how to ask out the gamestop girl & getting friendzoned are just asking to be ridiculed and, ultimately, are reenforcing the

i just checked my clock to make sure it wasn't 2009