
you fucking genius, you

for one, it takes way too long to load a friends list or send a message or do anything party-related on ps4

jesus christ i'm trying to eat breakfast

holy shit. when i saw the top photo i thought it was typical kotaku shopping but wow. WOW. this is fucking crazy. i don't own a wii u so i have no dog in this fight, but WOW

i respect your right to liking these movies, but you are a terrible person

these articles are the worst

as a ps4 owner, please shut the fuck up

this is just obscene. the fact that they're still calling it a "beta" and making testers pay to use it is offensive. the pricing scheme is offensive. it's all offensive. i understand that stress testing may be over and they're looking for a way to set up pricing tiers, but don't call it a fucking "beta" if you're a

oh man is this from bazinga??? i love that show!

ugh shut up

reducing this issue to a "tin can" means you have no understanding of the issue, so thanks for the input?

if it makes you feel any better, the ps4 still doesn't have it either

i'm fine with what i have, personally. it all seems pretty subjective. iirc people had the same complaints last gen, and theres still lots of time between now and the 1 year mark

"idiot," says the one who can't use apostrophes or ellipses worth shit

pretty fucked up way to go imo

i wish the starring system was more like disqus because so many replies to female-related comments here are just nightmarishly offensive

why would they tease us like that

cool story

then what the hell is THAT

i'm not sure that last part was really necessary