
As a seven year old, I raided the kitchen for my art supplies. I took some herbs, green food coloring, lemon juice, and turmeric powder to create this. My dad was so angry at me for destroying the kitchen and geting half the spice cabinet all over the floor, but he took this, and he framed it because he thought it was

Also be a kind, interested, respectful dude with good hygiene.

I DO NOT have a small penis she has a huge vagina!

You win.

"Okay, everybody, we need to burn down the reception hall to cement our love!"

My husband stepped on my dress a few times, but I had it bustled so it wasn't that bad.

We did the foxtrot to "Somewhere Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darrin. We got married in Tobago. It was awesome.

The picture we have framed from our wedding?

If it's any consolation, this random internet stranger doesn't think that's selfish. I think that's totally understandable coping mechanism.

"Even when nothing makes sense, I still wake up, I take a shower, I put on clothes, I put on makeup. Life goes brutally on. The world doesn't give a shit if you need a minute."

Just wanted to weigh in and say that I had always assumed I would never have kids and never want to, as my own parents were too busy drinking, drugging, and screwing around to be much bothered with my brother and I. We were treated as a great inconvenience when we were acknowledged at all. I did spend a few good years

Yup. I'm going to call my mom on the way home and thank her for not being crazy. Then I'm going to go home, hug my kids, and promise them that I will never starve them or put them on display.

Take it from an old(ish) lady who was sexually and physically abused as a kid by family; and who was in a horribly abusive relationship for five years: you are *far* more likely to live happily and come to terms with whatever has happened to you (I don't mean by that that you should or will come to forgive or feel

The attraction is normal. Acting on it isn't, and especially if you are in a parent/child relationship. It was his responsibility to protect her from it, and he failed her. Further I would argue that he groomed her and preyed upon her.

I agree. Just working on living a peaceful life.

Also, while we're on the topic, can we talk about this vaunted "high road" and what it is that makes it so fucking special and desirable? Because I've stayed quiet A LOT about things that happened to me, both as and after they happened, and I've never gotten single scrap of inner peace or enlightenment or enhanced

Forgiveness doesn't require the other party, and is absolutely the best way to live.

People are already commenting that she was immature and shoulda taken the high road, but as someone who had a narcissistic and abusive mother THIS is nothing compared to what mine would've gotten. My mother once told me that she would never beg for an invite and would just come thinking I wouldn't dare have her ass

Hmm... odd question but do you think it's more people who had good relationships with their parents, or bad ones that admonish people who cut their folks out of their lives the most? I'm pretty much on the 'if the relationship is hurting you to maintain then get the fuck out, you don't owe them shit' and it always

Well I don't know about where you're from but you'd definitely say "chicken burger" here, and it would be different than a chicken sandwich. A burger as opposed to a sandwich basically means: 1.) It's on a burger bun rather than sandwich bread 2.) It's served hot instead of cold 3.) typically it has some of the usual

New Kitchenette sub-thread: Can You Bacon That? Yes We Can!

Oh god, now I want to bake some fingerling or red potatoes until soft, cut the ends and peel them so they look like scallops, and then wrap them in bacon and sear them in butter/seasoning just like scallops. "Bacon-Wrapped Scallops Potatoes"