
Yeah, it certainly does, haha. Even though nothing technically illicit ever happened, it is still an awkward question to have to answer. I generally just say, "We met in school," as people don't often care for all of the details.

My beau & I met at an orgy. And then we had our first date during the NYC Groupthink meetup!

Ha! Love that story. It gives me hope that one day being kind of a mouthy bitch will work in my favour!

Not me, but my mom & dad - He was a park ranger and she was stealing water lilies from the pond in the park. Water lilies have devilishly tough stems and she never got any flowers, but she got my dad. Married 64 years.

And this is why the only thing I ingest is pure, organic virgin's blood. Great for the skin, too! And running them down on moonlit nights is great exercise.

The only "gift" y'all should get for your vag is a vibrator or dildo.

Hang on a minute there, please do not use Eddie McGuire as a poster child for Australian beliefs, yes there probably are a lot of racist people here, but I can guarantee they are in the minority as they are in ANY country. To use an ignorant person who is not well regarded outside of the football field is just as