
How are these two experiences comparable Melanie?

I am not sure what the story is in the U.S but in Australia there is not enough ongoing support for addicts and recovering addicts. The system tends to be about getting a person sober and clean and does not really address the root cause of the addiction cycle. There is a lot of stuff coming up around Dual Diagnosis"

Out here in Australia we call them full stops as well.

Hang on a minute there, please do not use Eddie McGuire as a poster child for Australian beliefs, yes there probably are a lot of racist people here, but I can guarantee they are in the minority as they are in ANY country. To use an ignorant person who is not well regarded outside of the football field is just as

I wanted to write something that did not downplay the affects of hormones on our wellbeing at specific times during our cycle. I have Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder PMDD and have been hospitilised for a suicide attempt nearly 12 months ago. It was best described to me as a "Banshee'.....it descends like a red mist