
"To be honest, It's still hard to grasp the utter destruction of something thought to be indomitable without wondering if there were outside forces in play."


Ole' Ed is gonna wring ma neck wen 'e finds out wat I've bought 'im

Put out your and!

Operation Chastity, a truly gamer inspired title if I ever heard one.

I'll give you free-fidy, cash. Go on then, have a deal wif me?

It had a long, happy life.

all 36hp coming to the rescue!

heres the new sunroof


Exactly. Everyone keeps assuming the entire truck is going to be built of aluminum. My guess is that the doors, hood, and lift gate will be aluminum. And, depending on if the other body panels are part of the chassis, those could be aluminum as well. I can bet the base chassis will still be steel though.

Hah, I love when companies market stuff a military grade. My experience with the Army means when I hear that term I think of the lowest bid crap that was designed wrong.

If you're at a point in your life where $3000 is your savings, and you are not supporting a family, living under a bridge, or toting a mortgage, then I would say fuck it and pull the trigger. I hate to say this, but in the long run, $3k isn't shit and shouldn't change your life. You'll get most of it back when the

I don't know if you guys are being sarcastic, but I wholeheartedly agree.

Apparently the sworn testimony of over hundreds of commuters, Pentagon staffers and Arlington residents who watched the plane physically hit the Pentagon didn't happen, either. I used to work at the Pentagon with folks who were in the building or who watched the jet fuel ravaging flames engulf coworkers... listening

This is so true. If I ever found out a friend/co-worker/family member was a truther I'd not be able to think about them the same and I think it would significantly damage my relationship with them.

Finding out someone is a 9/11 truther COMPLETELY undermines their credibility in EVERY OTHER AREA. Period.

As someone who lives five minutes from the Pentagon, I can tell you yes, it did happen, and yes, you are a gigantic asshole for asking.

"Pete had a four-star general in the room, one of the army's top guys. Why wouldn't you push the envelope?"