Here’s another pointless comment asking why this is a video when this could easily have been a typed article?
Here’s another pointless comment asking why this is a video when this could easily have been a typed article?
I’m retired now but preferred traditional because it gave me a tax deduction when I was in a high tax bracket. I am very good at managing my marginal tax rate (I’m a former tax attorney) and just convert the traditional to Roth before I start getting into higher marginal rates. Then I just withdraw from the Roth when…
I don’t get it. Is government paying these writers to fool people into investing into Roth 401k or these financial advisors are just dumb.
I’ve always wondered: is that income figure for the 28/36 guideline before or after taxes/benefits?
Just because you don’t have 20% doesn’t mean you have to do FHA. Assuming you have good credit, you can do traditional with 5% down. You’ll still have to pay mortgage insurance, but only until you get to owing 80% of the value of the home vs for the life of the loan with FHA. Plus the rates tend to be better than FHA.
Or if Clarkson had given the least amount of fucks before that point of the 4th Quarter
Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?
It’s legal for the first car to be there, but I don’t think it’s legal for the second until the first car leaves the intersection.
Another man blaming his shortcomings on a woman, even from nearly a decade ago. How quaint.
I just started a new job where we get a set amount of vacation days but (in theory) unlimited sick days. I think this is actually a better place to be. I don’t have to feel guilty about taking my vacation days because we all get the same, nor do I have to worry about whether I’m “sick enough” to stay home because I…
Titan Zipperless 30 can rolling cooler. An amazing cooler that works exceptionally well. Folds down and collapses for easy storage. It’s no Yetti, but it gets the job done for a fraction of the price.
Titan Zipperless 30 can rolling cooler. An amazing cooler that works exceptionally well. Folds down and collapses…
That’s wrong. I talked to a few UX people working at BMW. They’ve studied psychology and do extensive studies, for example taking a 7 series from the production line to replace the dashboard with a new one, and testing the hell out of the new dashboard design. IMHO you can see all that work happening at BMW, as their…
It’s likely most baseball fans didn’t even realize that Jimmy Rollins was with the San Francisco Giants at spring…
NPR had a really interesting piece by the chef and owner of a Vietnamese restaurant the other week, in which he argued that a celebration of cheap ethnic food is effectively a form of racism that expects immigrant labor to work long hours for little pay in order to produce cheap authentic food, and that it also…
For reference:
I think the lesson to take from this college football season is there is no reason to schedule good out-of-conference opponents. USC and Oklahoma basically had their season ended in September after losing to Alabama and Ohio State, while Washington got to go to the playoff after playing an embarrassingly easy…
The problem I’ve found at this point is that bundles end up screwing me over. I have my Home and Auto Insurance through the same company, a company that I’ve been with for several years.
Question for the LH hive mind— what ever happened to the “zone” theory and not carbo-loading for a marathon? Was it proved wrong? (I imagine so if olympians are carbo-loading). Just curious if anyone knows. Cuz glycogen runs out at 20' yeah?
The 12,500 number is the most egregious of this settlement. Most of the other Terms and Conditions of this settlement at least make sense in some fashion. But this is a car sold to people who drive long commutes. They say it would take too long to find out how many miles people put on their cars? every VW…