
this reminds of a great game I've played. It requires a friend, a stoplight, and at least 3 lanes. When you come upon the stoplight and there is someone stopped in the middle, you and your friend stop on either side of the person in the middle. Then both you put your cars into reverse and slowly creep backwards. Good

Glad to see Audi is making full use of their photocopier.

Another Goatse vehicle? WTF is going on? First the Evo X and GTR. Then the Charger, now Lexus? lasjdlfhskjahfksaglfsahkfjsalj...;lsaf sa /angry

1 - 2010 Mazdaspeed3

I figured, but media has to sensationalize it all. The media has been trolling us since it was invented. Thanks yellow journalism...

they going to outlaw jacked up pick up trucks next to prove they're not racist?

damn straight I did, I said I liked the super snake, not that I was gay

Can you just start a new Jalopnik section or just a new site for posting high/drunk/etc... whores crashing and the disgusting herpes infested stories associated with them? These posts are getting stupid and annoying.

They just need to provide a reason they are doing this. I fully support it.

is this faked too? I can't even tell anymore from Top Gear.


Mexicans - never forget

alright guys, let's line em all up:

grats, now turn left

Kizashi is going Super Saiyan?

holy crap

silly yuppy, mudding is for rednecks

A terrible culture produces a terrible city. What else needs to be said?

because diesel race car