
You’re following up a false equivalence with a bashful Straw Man? Wait here- let me grab my Logical Fallacy bingo card.

No mainstream liberal politician I knew ever went after Sarah Palin’s hormones as the reason for her being ill-suited for her job. But that’s what Trump, now a mainstream conservative politician, just did.

Don’t bullshit us, we can read dude;

Not really. I don’t have to have a gay person in my family, or be gay, to want them to have basic rights. And on Trump’s latest comment, if Bernie Sanders said it I’d be appalled, and I don’t even like Megyn.

Excellent! Now if only it also played Gilbert and Sullivan.

Hell, from the reviews I’ve read, Trank has somehow made the Roger Corman version look good in comparison.

Wasn’t the Nite Owl/Silk Spectre sex scene supposed to be cringeworthy?

“The Crow: The “Brandon Lee puts on his makeup while listening to the Cure” scene”

I’m sorry. I think you have the wrong list. This belongs on the Greatest Comic Book Movie Moments of All Time listicle.

Awe, c’mon. That scene was hilarious, or at least I remember it that way.

Here is one...

Don’t forget about it installing a ton of other crapware (Bonjour, etc.) along with it.

The best music app in existence? Maybe on a Mac but on Windows it was always a bloated mess that was always doing weird things like copying your entire music folder to the folder that it wanted it to be in without asking. Even Windows Media Player was better since it didn’t think it knew better than you did. It just

I don’t really know if you can make the Dirk Gently books’ very British humor work in an American setting. Are they really that afraid that Americans won’t watch a show not set in the US?

A green screen is not needed. But consider the alternative...bring the entire film crew out in the real world, pray for good weather, and so on and so on... Which is the most cost effecient, given that the green screen version is PERFECT and NO ONE would think its CGI.

Lactose intolerance?

Darede- oh its you, Deadpool...

Yeah, but unless Yoda told Luke about Midichlorians off-camera, everyone that knew about them is now dead.

The thing is, that doesn’t matter. He comes off as insulting and kind of pretentious in this interview, insinuating that FF is a “real” movie compared to that other junk out there. He’s also incorrect on his assumption of how critics have reacted to superhero movies (especially big ones), as they have been pretty well

Rarely are films of this size critically well received... This is not a movie we’re going to go on [review website] Rotten Tomatoes and it’s going to be at 80 or 90 per cent. We did try to do something more than soulless, popcorn action.