
@Benguin: If I remember right the pyramids were originally white because they were built with an outer layer of white stone? And then those outer stones were ripped off and used for other buildings (sheep staples...) in the centuries after the fall of the Egyptian empire?

@FrequencySpike: That is camouflage. Can you see the Greek archers approaching on the left of the battlefield? No? Exactly.

The colors on that archer aren't tacky. That's just standard camouflage from The Great War In The Psychedelic Desert

@iTofu 3GS has no reception problems: And one could argue that this is what the iPhone 4 should have been, at least the screen size, and at least the keyboard-flavor of the two versions that it should have come in...

@hercules_100_98: Good point. Now that you mention that I'm thinking that there was probably a sound engineering reason for having that camera go up, maybe to check if the booster separation sequence can be further optimized or something, and not just the goal to shoot an awe inspiring short film (although I take that

Studying the effects of plastic garbage on the marine ecosystem is all nice and good.

Don't algae blooms like this often follow on the heels of excessive sewage runoff?

Just like I should have been a doctor but then became something even stranger

Haha!: I somehow must've missed the launch, so until the boosters separated at 2 min. I thought the whole thing was still on the ground...


@xdeathknightx: Flamethrower will work on them but also make you suffocate as it'll burn all the air in the confined spaces.

@hungryemo: In a way - he's topping off their radioactivity levels.

@Barnabus: Of course those rules were only another act of cruelty: they gave you the sense that there was a reasonable, calculable chance of surviving an encounter with one of The Creatures. Then, when it happened, you would fire your tommy gun at them - and get crushed like a bug.

@Nerval77: What is 'gaydared' ? Is is showing up on someone's gaydar ? Or is it a gay dare ?

@Ghost_in_the_Machine: I hear they'll name a crater 'Steve Slater Crater' - because it rhymes, and because he caused it (he was so pissed off by that passenger that he jumped out the airlock forgetting to strap on the rocket device from under his seat).

@Ghost_in_the_Machine: What's keeping you, worried about the recession and holding your savings together?