
@Pumhart_von_Steyr: Or maybe we can claim that unmanned landings were not explicitly prohibited and therefore implicitly allowed.

As long as we can atone for this, when it all blows up into our faces, by throwing this Shoer guy into a volcano or something - I'd say let's go for it.

@Skeptic: Nicely put, thank you!

@hawkeye18: ^That. And also, some of the greatest minds (Picasso, Da Vinci, Edinson...) belong(ed) to people who were at the same time dyslexic, a genetically influenced condition that just hit them but which they successfully worked to overcome to become extremely creative and productive people. You don't know if he

PZ: exactly right!! Kurzweil: completely, bizarrely absurd.

Awesome picture !

@ManchuCandidate: Double-awesomeness, twice in as many days, how do you do it ?!

@Citizen Kang: Although in fairness to windowontheworld - now that I look at it there are some vague similarities between the shapes of China and the US and India and Spain, respectively...

@amygdala: And to build it and maintain its elaborate pumping systems we will release several times the greenhouse gases compared to if we had just housed the displaced people on already existing land (a.k.a. the Continent of Australia) !

Better living through chemistry

@bawheid: Maybe the thing will even have a fermentation pond instead of a cemetery, thus doubling the symbolism: die to atone for the sins of CO2 belching humanity and then be recycled into a sustainable cycle of life.

Yes, but will it be a family-friendly place ?

@Wowzur: Was wondering the same thing. Maybe they will keep building up the outer walls to keep up with rising water levels? Hmm...

@BoxOfScraps: So the more narrow-minded I comment the easier my images fit in ?

@Pumhart_von_Steyr: Sorry for the huge image, no idea how that happened - maybe the Elektronika is just incompressible

Meanwhile on the other side of the iron curtain...

"...within 5 minutes a 9 ft shark came out of no where and circled twice and slapped his tail on my board before disappearing. then a minute later a 7 ft young juvenile Great White swam circles around me for 12 minutes."