
"The Machine gun did not humanize warfare, it merely mechanized it. Industrialized it." -John Keegan- The Face of Battle

Have them pay for their tech, then take it right back from them as payment to help clean up their goddamned mess. It's sick and they totally deserve it.

In the US the trash would be the hipsters standing in line

Absolute parasites.

Stay classy Apple fans

This sort of trash is not common in Hong Kong. This isn't an everyday occurrence. Then again, how often does a new iPhone launch?

This sort of trash is not common in Hong Kong. This isn't an everyday occurrence. Then again, how often does a new iPhone launch?

Yeah, this guy just makes it clear that he's an ass, where as Markus (I refuse to call an adult "Notch,) seems to contradict his beliefs with his actions. I'll take the guy who is consistent.

Correct. If you're not paying for the service, you're the product.

I hope someone mods it into a good game.

A game should stand on its own merits without having to wait for DLC to help justify it.

She's a horrible person to begin with. Why they did this I'll never know. My only solace was that I could turn her down and insult her repeatedly in the game.

doesn't help that the game sucks, im glad they didnt launch on pc, it would be a major flop.. at least on consoles it has a chance of making profit since alot of the fanbase never played an mmo before.

I say let the guy pay for his own hobby as I have mine.

While that is super bad-ass I don't understand a kickstarter that has absolutely no benefit to the contributor. Even the potato salad kickstarter at least had the humour aspect. This is just some dude asking for money so he can contribute to his own "garage-ist" hobby.

If BF3/4 actually supported mods we would probably be playing something like this right now =(

I would love to play something based on this.

Wall of text.

Honestly? I think Microsoft gave up already... they simply can't understand and can't compete on the market. US is their main market, period. All the rest is probably secondary.

I thought the Dictator had troops to fight for him.