
So what if it were to be degrading or not ? Why the fuck should you or anyone else care ? Oh yeah, i keep forgetting that posing as a sensitive, cerebral person that adheres to the political correctness bullshit mentality means you don't have to deal with the fact that you're an idiot.

Oh, fuck off.

Wow this generation sucks, especially the gamers. Everyone is a graphic whore now. This is nothing new. What you see at E3 will never bee the same as what you actually play. Games aren't optimized at that point and they are tasked with making the game LOOK GOOD. It's like with people. Looks may attract you, but what

What a sad kind of gamer you are.

So are you getting paid by youtubers to promo their stuff now? Because I don't see how a video of this quality is worthy of a whole post.

I never liked Uncharted or its protagonists, but TLoU was a different story (heh)

"Fuck off"

Yeah that about sums up the fan base nicely.

Maybe she can go work on good games now. You know, games where they don't design the set pieces first and then make writers write around them, so the story sucks, but the dialog is good.

Uncharted had writers? The stories in those games were just flimsy excuses to get Drake to murder innocent security guards.

Now playing

eh... frankly I never was impressed by this guy's attitude... I remeber watching an interview/play through with him a year or so ago before it became a standalone version and I couldn't help thinking how a. lofty his goals were for the game and b. how little overarching direction he seemed to have. Literally put me

Having worked on one modification of a game for five years, and releasing precisely zero games, Dean Hall has decided that all of this success is too much for him, and he wants to start his own game studio with none of his former Bohemia Interactive resources.

ya the cod devs just discovered fish AI :')

This is the whole thing in a nutshell. A succinct, squirrel-shit-covered nutshell.

You should try reading the article again. NOT EVERY DLC will be redownloadable after 4/30. His point wasn't even about downloading a full game, it was a point about digital content in general, which he's 100% right about.

Sure, side with the developers.

Super high resolution, still sprite based trees after all these years. All that computing power wasted.

Lots of people. I'm one of them.

Outfit adds +5 to her Emo stat.

Man I used to love Final Fantasy, but recently I can't muster up the energy to play one. All these sequels, prequels?, spin-offs, I have no idea what's going on. When's the next one coming out that starts fresh? Seriously, I don't want to worry about having played the previous one.

There's a part of me that cannot believe that people still watch these movies.