Windows launches with Phasexpress, Clipmate, Avg anti virus. Then Foxpro opens with, a portal to go wherever I want. In foxpro I use Speedial with all my favorite web sites, so navigating is one click away.
Windows launches with Phasexpress, Clipmate, Avg anti virus. Then Foxpro opens with, a portal to go wherever I want. In foxpro I use Speedial with all my favorite web sites, so navigating is one click away.
I've never gotten Helium to work with my Galaxy S3. Actually, rooting your phone is easier than their setup. You have to install a PC app and Samsung USB drivers to get it connected besides the actual app. After 1 hour of futzing with it, it just sat there saying, " Waiting for PC connection" I gave up and removed…
Argggh. The choclatey thing puked and barfed during installation. Something about the command "true" is not recognized during installation. Rollback and uninstall !
I was willing to give it a try, until I hit the step that said "Call Time Warner and have them upgrade your cable modem firmware...... It's easy."
If you managed to get through your education, without a shop course, take a basic woodworking at your local Comm College. A lot of home projects can be addressed with basic carpentry and woodworking skills. Also you will learn to use a lot of power and shop tools. Thats how i started and got a table saw and drill…
I like the idea of all these home servers for NAS, etc, but here in california electricity is just too expensive @ .36/kwhr to run it 24/7. Instead, I got a cheap NAS box and it goes to sleep when not accessed, so much better costwise.
I built a temperature logger that stores up to 800 readings over a given interval. Sometimes I use it to monitor temps for a yeast starter for home brew. Bit of overkill. But it's useful for any process where you want to store a temp profile for a few hours or days. Uses the LM35 analog temp sensor as the input, and…
I've been trying this, but expect a 50% failure rate. I need more beer bottles !
Linux is pretty much for tinkerers. If you just want to use an app without a lot of hassles and editing, it is not so good. Of course, a linux maven will tell you, " It's easy! Linux can do that.", as they hand you three pages of scripts and config mods.
Exactly true. Many of the people I call on CL don't even seem to want to sell the item. They are either fishing, on the fence, or just trying to see what the market will bear as far as price. Quite unbelievable, when you have to try to convince a person to sell something after they advertise it......