
"The Scribbly stylus doesn't do anything that any other iPad doesn't do. "

Google Shipview........

Ugh, I thought I read that the sale was until July 6th, but it looks like it ended:

I tried holding out for a Nokia as well, but the MS store is running a sale, and I picked up the Arrive for a penny. So far I love the phone, it's super responsive and the hardware is very nice.

What you're saying is possible, and I wouldn't be shocked if it's true. I'm just trying to be more optimistic.

Guess it's all POV. I had no interest in the Wii. My wife, who was just my gf at the time, bought one and I thought it was neat, but never got that psyched about it. Motion control to me is like 3D, a novelty item. I have the Kinect, but I'm most looking forward to head tracking because flailing my limbs around

There are so many possibilities! I haven't been this excited by a Nintendo announcement in a long time.

Aero Snap is perfect for comparing windows side by side.

"has there been any discussion of implementing some kind of private could server?"

Did they get that on loan from Mad-Eye Moody?

What a world if that was reversed: "Hey check out this new Brownie website on my Android. Yeah my phone is running the new Double Penetration update."

If you don't have a Facebook page, does it default to racial profiling?

I understand that Apple is acting as a sort of retail store in this scenario. The problem is in other circumstances competition is allowed. You can buy a PS3 from Best Buy, but order games from Amazon and Game Stop.

This is such bull. What other product demands a cut of everything that is is used with it? If their products were free, it would be one thing. Imagine if you buy a BMW, and after you sign the papers you are told that the gas tank can only be unlocked by BP. You must fill up there because they get a cut of the gas

At this point isn't the Zune just a component of WP7? If they make a non -cellular device I think it would be more along the lines of an iPod Touch as opposed to a PSP.

In hindsight I think it was a clear choice for Nokia to partner with MS. I don't have first hand experience, but everything I have read says that Symbian was a great platform with a horrible UI. If Nokia has issues delivering a good user experience how would they effectively skin Android to differentiate themselves?

Why the hell is this app pointing to my mom's underwear drawer??? THE HORROR!!!!!

Grammatical errors, and lower comment counts.

MeeGo, since you will probably never find a girl like that in your lifetime.

Probably wouldn't smear since it would be a poopsicle.