
This mod/photo is a great example of why I got out of the modding community some years ago. I was spending lots of extra cash on pc equipment and letting my home sit stagnant. With the money spent on this rig alone, the builder could have afforded himself better tile on his floors, base boards, a really nice desk and

this is truly one of the funniest comments i've read here. thanks (hearted) i can't believe Jesus didn't make your star visible for it.

i love t-shirt hell and in particular that shirt among a few other "classics"

i just posted that in #tips this morning. it is quite a cool video.

i want these guys. and i want the heat seeking bullets they had in this movie too.

Watch "The Young Ones". I only assumed it was a girl's name because I've never met a decent female carpenter. Maybe that's a little sexist on my part...

Pretty cool chair(s). They look like they may be a bit "pinchy" on the back of the legs though, hard to tell.

mood swing...

Nah I think it's the original lineup for the Yankees. The dude in the middle standing is obviously a pitcher.

Why does the dude sitting on the left have a baseball bat? Was baseball even invented yet?

I wake my kids at 5 every morning. I means shit, there's milkin' and other chores to do!

But David Byrne believes there's water underground.

So are you saying don't eat the brownies?

Perfect for cutting right through that shallow burried PVC waterline.....

Crap, it's illegal now? What am I gonna do with all my wooly ladies?

the description on youtube said that a beaver damn had broke somewhere upstream. that's hard to believe but i have seen some massive beaver dams that hold a shit-ton of water behind them so who knows...

if you type it, then i believe it. i believe everything i read on the interwebs...

Huffy.... That's funny.

Dabbled a bit, a few attempts at blogging but I find myself too busy to really give it the old college try. Maybe in my next decade of life...

Everyone knows that they were sharing a "rig".