
@neilsavagedesign: At night, when he and my exhausted wife were sleeping I watched movies. I can't sleep in hospitals.

doc. Mitchell: What are your reading about now NELL?

@neilsavagedesign: when we were in the hospital after my son's birth i watched like 5 movies on my iphone including inglorious bastards, kill bill I, and deathrace. laying on my back in the hospital bed with the phone on my chest and ear phones, it really wasn't that bad.

Another thing added to my "to do" list. In the mean time I really need to get started on this time machine but the wife says I need to finish her kitchen first.

@Meadhawg: i had everything, and i mean everything, right up until tomax and xamot came on the scene. after that, i said piss of joe's! and took my zartan and his dreadnoks and started a punk band...

@Meadhawg: the towed missile system was the only way "originally" to acquire the General Hawk figure too.

@Hello Mister Walrus: yes there are. some people i know had one of the largest factories/crops/businesses in the bay area at one time. somehow it skirted around laws until it 1. got too big & 2. expanded with mob money. DEA came down hard and the people had to turn state's.

@HackBerry: better off dead- what a classic!

@SkipErnst: So would you be interested or annoyed?

i did this to my iPhone 3g and 3gs bezel. using the gray 3m scotchbright. gave it a nice satin finish to the bezel and got rid of all the scratches from cases and abuse.

@Jeff Goodman: I actually liked the service when i was able to use it the first week. So I'm really not better off.

i cant use ping because an unknown error (5002)

In southern Louisiana, Mississippi, & Alabama all white people have a rice pot.

Great story.

@Interstella5555: i'd hate him too. clippy is a condescending bastard...

Sadly, the great pumkin did not appear and I waited in the pumpkin patch all afternoon. Gizmodo, you blockhead.

@pixelsnader: Maybe I shouldn't put this out there, I mean this isn't exactly the forum for "witnessing", and maybe, as I said before, I jumped the gun a bit prematurely, but yes, I do take the bible literally.