
Because that's how people talk these days, adults included. They're writing blog posts about video games, they're not trying to win a Pulitzer Prize.

Going to have to disagree with this one. While the overarching *themes* of IV are superior to V's in every way, the actual narrative of Niko Bellic is best described as...wanting.

Neither one of these games' story is worth even mentioning though.

I honestly didn't really care for GTA4 or GTA5's story. Niko's entire story is him bitching and moaning about not wanting to hurt people and then immediately taking jobs where he murders dozens of people without a second thought.

camera trick. It's in front but not holding.

Implying that no one would call this a piece of shit if it weren't for Gamergate.

The 3D type they used in that video looks so familiar...

I could understand it if they were going for a retro art style of some sort but does early 2000's shovel ware count as an art style now?


Well, I personally thought the artistic side of Spore was pretty swell. (but the game mechanic parts.. OK yeah that had some issues)

The reviews in that Darkspore commercial are priceless. They scream "this game was developed by metrics and focus groups".

I think The Sims might have actually been their last game, really. It was created with the intention of being a software toy, just like the stuff they did in the early '90s.

That's a shame. The likelihood of a SimAnt 2 is now even more remote than ever.

More realistic than the KeyShot renderings IKEA fills their catalog and website with?

Welcome to the world of dorito eating, fedora tipping euphoria my friend.

this is a sorta good point, but damn, with the closing of Joystiq this week, a site that I felt has been really good lately about only posting about..y'know like actual gaming stuff, these sorta Buzzfeed-y type articles about whatever kinda irk me.

Color, it's just a theory!

It's February in Toronto.

I genuinely don't give a fuck about that game anymore.