This argument is like debating who was better, Backstreet Boys or N’SYNC. There’s no right answer.
This argument is like debating who was better, Backstreet Boys or N’SYNC. There’s no right answer.
Am I the only one who genuinely thinks that Bowie probably had more of an overall cultural impact that Prince?
Nothing from Crusader Kings II?
“Fixed issue with player becoming dismembered while still alive.”
“Fuck that shit,” another said. “I bought a war game to kill people.”
I’ve done the same thing but I had to pee. Peed all over his cop car.
As a person with IBS, this is pretty much my worst fear.
More than one of my conservative family members have tried to explain to me the Benghazi and email thing and I just come out more confused about what they are so upset about. And then I’m sad that I’m related to these people.
The really sad part is, I’ve heard the same bullshit from BernieBros (that is what the asshole Bernie supporters are being called, right?) I had to unfollow a very liberal Facebook friend because he started posting Breitbart articles and quotes from Tom DeLay about how Hillary was going to jail any day now, and would…
This is literally the first thing I heard as I just tuned in: Marco Rubio wants you to know that because there are “two hispanics and a black man” on stage tonight that “the Republican party is the real party of diversity, not the Democrats.”
I have never been less sexually attracted to a group of males in my life, and I’ve been to a ghost hunters expo.
What is clear is that the designers were invigorated by the Wii mote, as the game’s strongest elements are the crazy good dungeons and highly memorable items. Midna is also the anti-Fi, as her every tiny emotion and sound bit is charming to the core.
I don’t think it’s true that you should choose no permadeath if you reset upon character death. If permadeath is on and you’re not willing to lose characters, then the win condition for battles always includes having no characters die. This is an extra challenge. If you like that extra challenge, go for it.
Not exactly. Resetting the game when you get a death is still accepting the higher difficulty of permadeath, in a way. Because that means that your success state for a mission also includes ‘no deaths’. With no permadeath, you can let your weaklings die every mission and still keep on truckin’ happily.
It’s not Fire Emblem without Permadeath. I’m sorry it just isn’t.
To be fair high school Bio may not really cover atypical sex chromosomes specifically (at least when I took it in 03 my class didn’t really discuss it (maybe a quick mention but no more)).
Rich people surrounding themselves with yes men is my favorite.
Already written. “Failure: An American Success Story,” by Tom Haverford.