
I was born in 1984 and I hate every single one of you whippersnappers, get off my lawn

Backwards compatibility.

Kid's already thrashed this game good and plenty on the PC. Thinkin' about kicking it back and just seeing what underlying good the Calamity brought the world. But what's that the Kid sees out in the distance? Candy Crush? No sir, that's a Bastion iOS port. Look's like the kid's gonna have to dust off his Breaker Bow

Here is the thing.
People complain about Nintendo using the big three IPs to move sales.
People demand that Nintendo make new IP's.
This comes from gaming journalists and gamers alike.
Nintendo comes out with Wonderful 101. New IP under Nintendo, everyone says it's not enough to get a WiiU.
Pikmin comes out. Hasn't had a

asking them to pay an extra 10$ for a USB just to be able to play the game is still not a good marketing to me even if 10$ is cheap...

I'm glad someone remember Cloud for what he really was. Cloud was never the emo brooding personality people kept calling him. He was soft-spoken much of the time, and definitely broken, but he was excellent at deadpan jokes and willing to give into female pressure.

He doesn't strike me as a nice guy, honestly he comes off as a bit of a prick and a douche.

Maybe he should have gotten an adult hair cut before going on stage and spewing corporate speak. He might have had some small air of credibility.

9/10 would read again.

For all these years, I've been thinking it was Don Hattrick. But why is Zynga hiring him? I mean, they've been doing bad PR quite well on their own, though considering how the X1 has been handled publicly, perhaps they feel they can step it up a bit.

Sony and M$ has to have those extra studios lying around for a reason. Nintendo has been doing this since 1974-ish. Don't take this the wrong way but they need the extra experience.

Thank the Lord God in Heaven above for this topic! The flagrant disregard (ignorance of?) the subjunctive mood riles me to no end.

No. The "were" has nothing to do with whether it's plural or not. It has to do with the subjunctive tense.

Not in contrary-to-fact situations. As an example, take these two sentences:

In that sentence, yes, "was" is correct. "The movie 300 was made into a video game." However, if you rephrase it into a future subjunctive statement, that "was" must be changed to a "were" — "If the movie 300 were made into a video game, it would probably be pretty cool."

"The Last of Us" with its fungus apocalypse story is actually the prequel to Super Mario Bros

Then, you'd be wrong!

What? Pay attention in school. Your statement made no sense.

tl;dr: "The article made me think, which I find deplorable, and I've found that it contains a concept that should be explored and discussed further, but my elitist attitude and ignorance is preventing me from starting a meaningful conversation."