We say this mantra a lot throughout the game, especially to new players. There is no second place.
We say this mantra a lot throughout the game, especially to new players. There is no second place.
I am super interested that you think the Lannisters are one of the easier Houses in a full game—I've played 5 and 6 player games a number of times, and in more than half of them, Lannister is completely crippled by the end of Turn One. Usually by Greyjoys, sometimes by Tyrells. I have seen Greyjoy take Casterly Rock…
This is awesome. You're awesome. I love this comment.
Ha! Thank you. I saw that and thought maybe it was Dallas BBQ.. don't think we have Houston's in NYC.
Are you open to starting a farm anyway, so you can milk cows and shear sheep?
Is that a thing? I want to know more.
If it makes you feel better, I thought it was funny / charming.
Sounds like that's on you, pal. How do you even remember something like that?
The answer is virtually never harsher punishment. They are dipshits, but they're still human beings, and they deserve to remain free.
Glad to hear it's gone well so far. My dad hasn't brought anything up or said anything, but I'm still on edge—he is listening to Fox News and Michael Savage at the same time, after all. Thankfully I am taking advantage of the "stay in another room" option.
Liar-in-chief? That alone would be enough to set me off.
Thank you for explaining this! I had no idea about their history in that respect.
How do you reconcile that? I live in a hyper-Orthodox neighborhood (Satmar) and I don't see how it's even slightly possible to be a feminist and a (hyper-)Orthodox Jew. I know less about regular Orthodoxy, though, but Satmar Jewish women are very clearly and actively suffering from constant oppression.
How do you reconcile that? I live in a hyper-Orthodox neighborhood (Satmar) and I don't see how it's even slightly possible to be a feminist and a (hyper-)Orthodox Jew. I know less about regular Orthodoxy, though, but Satmar Jewish women are very clearly and actively suffering from constant oppression.
Her??? She's probably my least favorite First Lady on this list!
Really? Are you serious? I thought this was a super interesting and timely take on a side of the gaming culture that I had literally never heard of before the South Park episode about this guy—this isn't opinion, this is somewhere between reporting and a feature, about someone who I would guess a lot of the people on…
Thank you!
Shouldn't objects and symbols from all religions be open targets for mockery and disdain, considering the sheer amount of harm religions wreak upon the world?
Really? Why is it shitty and offensive to mock such a symbol? It honestly seems very admirable to me, and I'm not trolling. At least I don't think I am..
Out of curiosity, what's the textbook? I have no desire to be anything more than an amateur, but that sounds like a useful and interesting resource regardless.