
Out of curiosity, what's the textbook? I have no desire to be anything more than an amateur, but that sounds like a useful and interesting resource regardless.

What chain was it? I would love to never go there again.

Really? I should wear a suit to see the descendants of warlords? Why?

Dude. Complain about bankers, not teachers! Everything teachers have are things that YOU should have too.

I totally don't relate to this at all. Why would that bother you??

Why don't you want to live outside the US?

But I hate sunshine, Mormons AND hippies!

Yea, I often forget to film in landscape mode just because it's SO HORRIFICALLY UNCOMFORTABLE to hold it that way, and feels very unnatural to me. I had no idea that vertical mode was frowned upon until someone actively told me so; I don't have an eye for these things. But holding it vertically is way more


South Park is basically the only cartoon that's done so quickly. It's partially because it's all drawn by software (AT is drawn by hand, I think) and partially because Matt & Trey built an insane, ridiculous work schedule around being able to get it done so quickly. 7-day work weeks during the season, and then a long

That... actually makes a depressing amount of sense.

These are pretty much the exact thoughts I had in order. Until the Falcon and X-Wings showed up and then I was like "Wait, maybe this movie ISN'T necessarily going to be terrible."

*hates you for not liking Frozen*

This x1000

Hearing about movies on TV or in cinemas isn't a good way to find out what movies you should watch in the first place. Hardly a reliable source. Friends, maybe? Following the directors and studios you like?

Wow, you're terrible. Shame on you.

You sound like a great boss. I totally agree, screw the traditional hierarchy—I don't know why some people are so on board with spending about half your waking time with a bunch of strangers. Much saner to be friendly with them. And mentoring people too! I'm jealous.

Good for your friend. Personally, I'd rather accept and then defy all that nonsense and make no show of respect at all. I would be delighted to do that. But declining is just as good.

I hate this notion that we should respect any royal families. Respecting them is disrespecting the entirety of the human race.

Not only that, they've been mooching off of you and your ancestors for almost a thousand years. I can't BELIEVE some people still like them. Good for you for your more modern attitude.