
It's like those pre-peeled cloves of garlic: expensive. But garlic is cheap.

Now playing

I agree with you about bigger screens, but movies? Really?

My boss! Not sure what message to take from that.

You're confused. Bourbon tastes like crap. Scotch tastes like sadness.

True! The more flavors a brand comes out with, the more shelf space the brand can command. It's hard for a spirit with no flavors to compete with something like Pinnacle, which gets a whole shelf.

Caught a typo in your comment... think you meant to type 'gin & tonic'

Allow me to confirm for the record that none of the ingredients of a Margarita is in Lime-a-Rita. No Tequila, no triple sec, and no lime (just lime flavors). It's just malt beverage + flavors. Also, those Bud Light Lime *-a-rita drinks are wildly successful and I have no idea why.

Absolutely the best vodka at that price point. So cheap! Even in New York!

I should put the 'the more you know' gif here. I had no idea. Makes sense, though!

I thought they brought back the grays so we didn't have to deal with pictures like this

Ah, I see. But if/when she cashes that out of her retirement account, she will have to pay taxes on it, although hopefully at a low rate. So you can't necessarily shield it forever, even if it helps your money grow immensely in the meantime.

I'd love to know more about this. Are you just talking about retirement accounts? Or offsetting by capital losses (which I don't totally understand)? How else can you avoid capital gain taxes?

Thank you for sharing this. I guess it's really just a matter of numbers, and being patient, and filtering the right fits. I'm a little younger than you but was getting wildly frustrated, thinking about settling, etc. And thanks for sharing your SO's perspective too. I haven't run into anyone aggressively asking

Oh god. I just realized I've done this to people.

Seriously. I wish I were from Maine!


That's good to know, because I would have assumed from the term alone that being a social justice warrior would be a good thing. In fact I can't see how it isn't, which is probably why the people who don't like them seem terrible.

Thank you! This is v helpful.

I don't mean the capital gains rate. What about the dividends? What are the qualifications for those being taxed at the dividend rate rather than as normal income?