
I think I would have gone with "to block or not to block, that is the question," but I feel like there's some better option I'm not thinking of.

I don't really know how PMI works. I understand you need it if you can't hit a standard down payment. Is it an annual cost, or monthly? Does it eventually go away, or is it a permanent part of your mortgage? How does that work?

Ah, cool, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying!

Oh, totally. I felt just like those people for a long time. It took a lot of meetings and follow-ups before I stopped feeling weird about it. I was definitely not a natural, and I'm still kind of awkward about it. But I think it's both very much a learnable skill... and a very important skill to learn.

I agree with you in general, but I like that Kotaku - and the gaming media in general - are willing to acknowledge that their competitors, you know, exist.

I appreciate the use of the excellent word 'lookie-loos' in this comment.

The thing is, tailoring your resume and cover letter sounds like a lot of work, but once you get in the habit of it, it really isn't. I found it only takes about 15 to 30 minutes once you get in the swing of it. Even rewriting your cover letter altogether every time, which I usually did, should take way less than an

It's weird to me how many people resist this. So many of my friends, even by their late 20s, still think asking a friend to pass their resume along is 'cheating,' and others think it's a nice help, but not that important. I tend to think of it as basically the only way to have a decent chance of being considered for a

I like this, but I feel like it's missing the real top of the pyramid: true financial freedom, which is when your income from investments alone exceeds your expenses. Not until that point are you truly financially free.

I think Snake counts as a martial art.

In late Middle English, 'silly' meant 'feebleminded, retarded, insane.'

Just four. Wii U, 360, 3DS, Mac. Have never put a game on my phone.. I just use it for reading instead.

I'm late to this, but I have to say... I hate "you're welcome." I always think it sounds haughty and rude, so I never say it. It is almost worse than "no problem." I don't know why, it just really rubs me the wrong way.

Are they actual employees, though, or contractors / temporary, project-based positions? I assume a lot of it is the latter.

See, that is all a perfectly fine reason for YOU not to use an adblocker, and I respect that. But it only applies to you. If a company offers a service for free, I am perfectly able to use it for free. Just like I can record things on my DVR and fast forward through the commercials. Your response is based on your

I'm thinking of growing a few herbs out of my apartment window. Cilantro mostly. Never done such a thing. Any tips for a rock bottom beginner?

Is there a single good reason not to just use an ad blocker and skip all this? You sort of buried that option.

Thanks for sharing! Yea, PMI seems to be the bugaboo in that situation. Still worth it, I hope!

I'd love to know more on getting a conventional mortgage for 5% down. How does that work?
