
I'm confused, this happened in Florida, there was a confrontation between two males, a sheriff was involved and no one was shot. Under Florida Stand Your Ground law shouldn't one of these parties be serving time for not resorting to his God given 2nd amendment right to shoot someone?

Now playing

Sure, the OP made a comment that DP was using the game to make money...I just said it would be worse if companies tried to tug at the heartstrings a lot of Americans feel towards the military to gain a financial advantage...

Could be worse, they could be riding the coat tails of the sacrifices of our military members to gain a financial advantage...oh wait, never mind...

This is by far the reply of the year.

Of all the wrongs in the world I can see where this has to be at the top of your outrage list.

I hear Rothliesberger is mentoring Winston.

One of the best sports commercials...

Well anyone whose played football at any level knows that there's a suck it up culture out there and at each level it's all wrapped up in false machismo, but fuck Marshall, he's got his millions to fall back on when he can't take it anymore. Try being a soldier back in the day in Iraq or Afghanistan today...every

You're so 2012, Cote d'Ivoire is all the rage in rap, Niger is trending down.

Thansk DS, I was looking for some good after reading the story on Gawker about some asshat injecting his kid with heroine laced cocktail mix of drugs to give an FU to his wife when they finalized their divorce. This gave me some hope in humanity.

How about we give you both for the first post and a small fist bump for the redeeming one.

Wait, I thought there was a fight?

Open letter to San Francisco Giant and Los Angeles Dodgers fans: Please cut this shit out, how can I throw snark at Philly fans if you keep acting worse than them? You're ruining my fun.

Lighten up Francis...

Was going to post the same thing - someone with more time and inspiration needs to dig through the archives and see what kind of reports Paolantonio did about Reid last year...there's clearly some shit between the two of them.

No one's mentioned how Donovan McNabb looked like being in Philadelphia was part of a plea bargain made to avoid doing jail time? Have you seen anyone less enthused about having their number retired?

He's no Ned Braden...