
Everyone knows that this industries landscape is constantly changing. Therefore one should be prepared for these sort of things.  

I forget the name of the game but I remember borrowing a friends Vita just to play this specific RPG. It almost compelled me to purchase one back when I was working seasonal retail with lots of free time.

We currently own a 2016 Mazda 3 Hatch. I do like the the car, however it is a tad small and cramped for space. Being a 6' guy may be the issue. My wife used to drive a tiny little echo and this was a ‘Big’ car to her when making the jump. In hindsight, I really wish we would have gone with a CX-5 or something slightly


Because thats Eco Friendly lol.

The Uncharted series (Collection) should NEVER be removed from this list.

Its you. 

I hope the come down on this little fucker HARD!!  

Forza Horizon IRL....  

Please for the love of god, get someone else to do the video narration.  

Is that what rich people do with baseball cards?  Huh... 

Wait whuuut? The concept of these ‘legacy’ games IS to permanently alter the game and pieces for a One-Off playthrough.  If your not ‘Fond’ of that then keep playing the regular base game.  

We still haven’t played out all of the 50 scenarios of the base game yet. Once tat happens; then we may look into this. My wife and her brother just finished a Pandemic Legacy play-through.. I think (2) seasons?  

Nothing to do with compression dude.  Its the fact that the textures for Overwatch are far more simple than a game that is going for realistic textures.  

These are my mains.  Not terrible nor Great.  Budget sweet spot.  

These are my mains.  Not terrible nor Great.  Budget sweet spot.  

I hear ya. I just get annoyed being tethered to a controller when trying to watch a movie / Show. I only use my wired Razer Kraken when I need to use a mic.

Go Wireless dude, Its whole new world.  

I hear ya bro! While playing through Detroit: Become Human, I though my PS4 was getting loud. Then God Of War showed me what a lout PS4 really sounded like lol.  

HAHAHAHAHHAA Fuckin bleeding hearts!.... This is the frickin ENTERTAINMENT industry folks! The show must go on <——Ever hear that before?!! Ill bet you have. Unless one has actually worked on any project where it is absolutely not an option to miss a deadline you wont understand. The extreme O.T hours and said ‘cruch’

Wasint this painfully obvious considering its been free on PC for last couple weeks?