
FYI, Whenever you start a paragraph with “Todays blah blah person”. You are essentially saying “I am an Idiot who likes to make gross generalizations based on personal experience or opinions”.

Oh, You were one of ‘those’ kids eh. Never wanted to participate in Gym activities, so you just walked the track. I never understood those kids in high school. Let me guess, I bet you didn’t even ‘Dress’ for gym. You walked the track in your regular school clothes too.

Wonder what he was reaching for on the overhead going down the track. Looks like he lost it while he only had one hand on the wheel. I would have shit a brick...

Im going to take this information and keep it to myself. My wife is already constantly pushing this limit. I get on her case all the time. She does the Oakland to SF commute everyday and I swear shes going to get caught in that gridlock over the bridge one day.

HA HA HA HA HA...... NOPE. Hell im not in terrible shape, but don’t think I could even get into that position anymore. Also, could you imagine the pretzel shaped corpses after crashing this sucker..

Me and my Co-Workers will drink to that!! Great article, and could not agree more. I think I may send this to the Owner of my company. :)

Man, I haven’t touched Destiny in a LONG time. I think I last played right after the Taken King DLC. But not much.. Maybe its time to jump back in and get laughed at. :)

Definitely. Think of it similar to riding on the back of a motorcycle vs sitting in a truck bed going through a cornfield. Its much more fun and comfortable on the back of a bike than bouncing around a bed of a truck. (or the deck of a jet boat)

Great Article! Really enjoyed reading it. Now I want to give it a try :)

I fully disagree. jet boats are only fun for the person driving them. Growing up on a chain of lakes in southern Michigan afforded me the luxury of being able to experience all sorts of PWC’s.

Taquitos are just:

Finished up 'Inside' and been playing a lot of Overwatch & Titan Falls' tech demo. This weekend Im really going to sink my teeth further into Deus Ex. (About 6-8 hours in so far and enjoying it) Maybe a little X-Com: Enemy within here and there. And if timing with friends works out, Maybe some Rainbow Six Seige.

Is this a Joke? I hope so because its HILARIOUS!

Ummm, Lucio ball is a terrible Rocket League knock off.... It feels seriously ‘shoed in’. I wish blizzard didn’t waste their time on this and just gave us new maps.

Guys Im telling ya. I haven’t slept for 3 days and have had nothing but 6 Krispy Kreme donuts! :P

100% Agree! I am enjoying the heck out of that game myself! There have been a few spots so far that really had me scratching my head wondering what to do. (stupid swimmer troll lady lol). I would just like to know How far into it I am. The game gives you now sign of levels or checkpoints. I don’t want it to end. :(

Yes these games were great. However I don’t feel they warrant that asking price!! Microsoft had better add these to the backwards compatibility list since I have them both downloaded on the 360.

Smartglass is handy for this on the Xboxes... Download it on your smartphone and your all set. I really enjoy the Smarglass features. I just wish more games used the second screen feature.

Smartglass is handy for this on the Xboxes... Download it on your smartphone and your all set. I really enjoy the

Man, I did the same thing with the first half dozen echos. Had to go back and press that x button a second time.. ANOYING

Im a little annoyed that you have buy that playstation eye camera separate. If its required for the VR is should be bundled with it.