
I can drill a hole in the side of the cooler and run a power cord to it.

I’m going to guess that there’s going to be a ‘connected’ clause in the lease requiring the device powered on and connected for the duration. But otherwise, I approve your method.

This seems like a valuable piece of fragile equipment. I will protect it by wrapping it in a towel, placing it in a small hardshell cooler, and storing it in the back of a closet until I move out.

For sure, but it matters little, he’s 100% compromised and he’s shown the country he has no respect for the Oath of the office he is in.

Either bill barr released that story or someone associated with him did. 

By “doesn’t have the whole national interest in mind” they mean that he doesn’t care if rich people get less rich because the economy is shitting the bed.

It’s very simple. These people are now in an actual death cult where they’ve convinced themselves that dying is a worthwhile sacrifice to make if it helps The Economy which in turn will further the main goal which is Salvaging the Trump Reelection Campaign.

Attorney General William Barr reportedly tried to stop Trump from commuting the sentence of his former adviser, Roger Stone.”

Sarah “SS” Sanders was worse than the current anemic blond vampire, wasn’t she?

Heads should be popping from this level of cognitive dissonance.

They didn’t lose a child, they threw her away.

Why not? It’s EXACTLY what tRUMP did to the states that were dealing with the illness early on. It’s what this administration did, but on a macro level. He’s passing the buck. That way, it’s not his problem or fault AND he isn’t offending Dear Leader.

The ignorant mother/step father didn’t suffer horribly then die, the child did.

There have been reports that the church was throwing a COVID party, and that’s where her mother took her to get ‘herd immunity’.

“I urge you not to take the simplest steps to be safe” Dumb Bitch 2020

They belong in jail but it's Florida. 

These two should never be allowed to practice medicine again.

I’m studying QAnon as part of an academic project. My objectivity fights against my desire to haul some folks into a showtrial and have them publicly drowned. It is vile.

QAnon: Coronavirus is fake!  But here’s a list of medications to take just in case you get a bad cold right now...

I’ve decided to stop metaphorically screaming into voids and just for real scream like a crazy person in my apartment when I see things like this now. I don’t care if my neighbors call the cops.