
It doesn't matter which character would have done it if Jack didn't. The point is that any one of them could have. Why? To rise to the top of the pecking order. Or are you suggesting that without this one specific person there would have been no social conflict whatsoever? How exactly do you expect to prove that?

No, "bro". As a group dynamic emerges, people within the group naturally tend to fill archetypal roles. You'll have the leaders, the bullies, the 'nerd' who gets picked on, the 'clown' who uses comedy to keep from becoming the nerd, etc.

"Jack" is just a role in the group dynamic. If it wasn't him, someone else would have filled the valency. Ego is a survival mechanism. It's what allows you to tell the lie that you are in control when you're anything but. The lie is what keeps the weak from being paralyzed in existential uncertainty.


Lord of the Flies is probably the most psychologically accurate portrayal of humanity ever in literary form. Sure, we've got a thin veneer of socialization and delusional self-justifications, but underneath this is what we all really are. The lizard and mammalian brains still call the shots and the thin layer on top

I haven't played it but apparently you lose everything you scavenged and start from scratch in a random location.

The "th" is silent.

I appreciate that they threw the Prisoner in there.

Lesson learned:

I wouldn't be surprised if it was totally phoned in.

I read a really interesting article about deal or no deal. Apparently the contestants are isolated from the outside world in an almost cult-like environment until they get their chance to play. They are strongly encouraged as individuals to focus on 'positivity' and develop some kind of personal system for selecting

Have you ever been hit in the face with a well thrown ice cube? Granted, it wouldn't cause a fatality. Probably just 30 minutes of bickering.

Try and do that shit to me and I'll spontaneously combust and inhabit your body.

I'm not too familiar with that part of the Doge saga.

It's the Doge meme. Doge is a misspelling of dog first used in Homestar Runner. Later, a Japanese man posted photos of this dog:

I personally like the second intro better.

I really liked it too until a little past halfway through. I felt like the second half really lost a lot of focus and coherence. I did enjoy the combat though, as well as that card game.


Let's be honest; Dark Souls is a game of expertly crafted dickishness. It's more than that, it's a way of life. Telling people who don't like it that they suck is just an extension of the game-play.

I have to be honest, I'm ecstatic about this. Now no one will be safe from my dickery!