A lot of companies do have their own private walking tracks - at least in Sydney they do.
A lot of companies do have their own private walking tracks - at least in Sydney they do.
I have found using the fitbit to be VERY effective in changing my behaviour when it comes to walking. I've set myself a daily goal of 10,000 steps and have consistently achieved this for the best part of 2 years now.
Checking out Vangelis now
I couldn't get a thing done with NPR playing. Love the content though. Love it too much in fact! And therein lies the problem!
Ah Yes. Radiohead Rocks (alliteration and all) :-)
I've heard about increasing your productivity by working in a cafe - some people find the buzz to be very comforting. I personally find it distracting. Same goes for music. But admittedly I have only ever really listened to songs with lyrics and the words are distracting.
I never thought of that. Great idea.
I bought the music ... $3.39 in the australian store!!!
This is really cool. I'm so tempted to try it on my Mac with the 3TB fusion drive but I don't want to risk it going all skitz on me
Geez and here I was buying all this expensive stuff from the Apple store. Not happy!
Have you used Daisy Disk? It's a paid app but it's absolutely awesome in it's interface. It creates these interactive 'sunburst' style images which represent your data on your drive.
Omnifocus is so totally worth it!
I love the point about buying cheap meaning the degree to which you get value for your money rather than buying at the lowest price.
Property investment in Australia seems to have remained largely unaffected by the GFC. Home ownership (investing in property as opposed to owner occupied property) is still a good viable strategy for wealth creation in Australia.
Great article. Very important to get the resume perfect.
Sounds interesting. It wouldn't do the size of my email inbox any favours though. :-)
Yes I'm a huge believer in the GTD philosophy. It's fantastic. I use Omnifocus to get my brain to "inbox zero" and it has dramatically reduced my stress levels.
I agree that variety is critical. It's fun to have a workout that keeps your mind challenged as well as your body. I find mixing things up achieves this really well.
Great article. I think this is particularly relevant in terms of the heart bleed virus. I've used 1password for years now and find it to be truly awesome.
Another good one is to share good deals with networks. What goes around comes around.