I use Rescue Time too.
I use Rescue Time too.
I'm a huge fan of keyboard shortcuts. I've written a blog post on 45 useful keyboard shortcuts for the Mac which you might find useful. (Note these shortcuts are native to MacOSX and not app based)
Looks pretty cool. I'll check it out.
Nice idea. I like it. Another version of "specialisation"
Social media is a double edged sword. On the one hand we do tend to suffer at the hands of social media but on the other hand it's becoming increasingly embedded into our lives. For instance looking or a job is no longer complete without linkedin - something that didn't exist a few years ago.
I'm a huge fan of Siri. I regularly use these 15 Siri commands (which I blogged about) and save myself at least 2 to 3 hours each week. The saved time comes from:
I like!
Good points. I especially like the 2nd point about negotiating promotions and titles. It's a real red herring. The best way in my view is to find a good organisational culture in the first place.
I use David Allen's getting things done approach and find it very effective in getting through a lot of stuff. You can read my post on how I approach GTD here.
Hey Doc .... does running on grass (as opposed to concrete sidewalks) make a significant difference in wear and tear on joints?
Great point about having a body of work prepared. Here are 8 more ways to leave behind a GREAT IMPRESSION (you can read the full blog post here)
Oh this is soooo cool!!! I'm soooo getting it!
Nice article. I had no idea that balance starts to deteriorate after 40. I'll try the walking in a circle and see how long I last.
Cool. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.
Great hack. Thanks.
They are beautifully made. Apple should be feeling pretty nervous right now. :-)
I think we use the word "addiction" very loosely. But generally if any activity tends to interfere with our normal functioning it's addiction in my book.
I couldn't agree more. I totally switch off my notifications on my Mac every day. That's a HUGE step in the right direction for me. The other thing I've been doing lately is going back to pen and paper. Minimises distractions.
That's a cute puddy thath!
Nice. Thanks for sharing.