Thanks for recommending my post :)
Thanks for recommending my post :)
Thanks for taking the time to reply. That is a lot smaller than I had imagined it would be.
I used to have this colleague who would often remember something important while he was in a meeting and proceed to walk out of the room without saying a word - often while someone was speaking to him! Haha!
Try thinking in English. Make a conscious effort to 'think' in that language. Helps a lot!
As I understand it google has some (unfair) SEO advantages over it's competitor social networks though I don't know exactly what they are. I have heard it mentioned in a few different places that using google plus gives you higher visibility in search engines than the others. :-/
Yea I love Pocket and the other one that's really good is Zite. Zite allows you to customise your reading a bit more. Pocket is useful with bookmarking twitter stuff.
Also you can hold down the option key while opening iPhoto to choose between iPhoto libraries (I have more than one)
Just bought it. Taking ages to download. Must be a massive app.
Looks pretty cool. I might get it. I've been using the fitbit to walk 10,000 steps everyday for the last 8 months now and love the graphs that it produces. That's really motivating. It's one of my 7 strategies to sustain my exercise routine and make my workouts really count.
Nice. So Chrome should sync across all my devices I guess.
Just happened to buy some 4B pencils today :) Not for measuring stuff though ... just for doodling.
Thanks for the heads up. I didn't bother researching the app - just bought it based on this article given that it was on special.
Haha. I'll bet you're right!
I completely agree with this approach. Writing a presentation forces you to come up with concise bullet points which is much easier to flesh out later on in the form of a paper.
I use the Data Usage App and and find it to be pretty awesome.
I agree with your point about indexed funds. Warren Buffett does too :)
Cool thanks :) Appreciate the tip.
Great video. Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring stuff. Living each day like is your last is the secret to living life fully. Totally agree with what Randy says.
Is this different to the "private browsing" option on safari? if so how?
I never thought of an info graphic resume. Nice idea. Not sure it'd work in the world of finance and strategy though. I tend to use linkedin to stalk my prospective employers and really get to know the corporations that way :)