
I'm all for the Warren Buffett school of value investing. I know there are a lot of 'technical' investors who live and die by fibunacchi charts but I'm not one of them.

Great question and thanks for your interest.

Great point. Two of the contexts I have created in my GTD approach is low energy tasks and high energy tasks. This works really well for me. As you say it's key to be honest with yourself.

Thanks for the code. I've been meaning to learn VB for some time but haven't got around to it. I tend to use if and then statements which are considerably more involved.

Ingenious! :)

Do you use a Mac or a PC?

I totally agree that body language is extremely important. It's critical not to be boring and body language goes a long way to allaying boredom. Besides body language is a huge percentage of human communication (I think it's upwards of 80% if not more) so not having good body language is very critical.

Great article. I loved it!

I like what he says about focusing on long term goals. I'm currently listening to zen to done which also touches on this. Great point!

Good to know.

Sounds really good. Does mail pilot integrate well with Omnifocus and GTD?

Yes I use flux and can vouch for it. Great app.

Very reassuring. Especially the third hop stuff! ... NOT!

....aaaaaaand that's where 1Password comes to the rescue! Easiest password reset tool ever!

I like the bit about consciously releasing the stress in your body and mind. Though that clearly means different things to different people :)

Cool. Thanks for letting me know. I can tweet in peace now. haha :)

A good way to cut them off is to say "Oh I just remembered ... there's someone I wanted you to meet ... " end of conversation :)

I find the iPad mini smart case to be awful. The logitech folio case wins hands down for me.

This looks pretty good. I just signed up!