Nice looking app. I like using Omnifocus (using my version of the getting things done approach) for my task lists because it integrates nicely with Siri which means I don't have to type :)
Nice looking app. I like using Omnifocus (using my version of the getting things done approach) for my task lists because it integrates nicely with Siri which means I don't have to type :)
Sounds interesting. Unfortunately I'm on iOS. I see that it is Android biased in terms of customisability. How does it compare to Tweetbot on iOS?
What a great idea. Thanks for the useful tip.
To me freedom is as much about having independence in terms of time and health as it is in terms of money.
I remember coming across this point before. Thanks for the reminder. I'm learning a lot about twitter. Great medium if you follow the rules of normal social behaviour (as opposed to foisting links on people at every opportunity).
Good point. Nicely put.
say what?
Man that looks good! The photograph looks like it was professionally taken.
I was reading an article yesterday where Drew Huston claimed that Steve Jobs swore to bury dropbox after he refused to sell the company to apple. Interesting claim. The article seemed to be skeptical of the validity of Drew's claim though.
Pretty cool use of Tennis balls. Didn't realise their versatility. Thanks for sharing.
Bought Note.It yesterday. It's appears to be a bit too simplistic for me. I like the minimalism though.
Love the funky music in the video!
Any Mac friendly recommendations (besides iTunes)?
Being mindful of the anxiety i.e. 'watching' it as it works it's way through your physical body can be quite powerful over time.
"Don't take that shitty but high paying job on the other side of the country." Another one of my favourites. I'm have one of those job interviews later today.
Great article. I really like this line "Having a life is as simple as spending less of your day pretending to be productive." Beautifully put.
Having used quite a few of these brands I can vouch for apple coming in at the top. They really are very very reliable computers. And a lot more fun to play with.
Fantastical really rocks! I used it on the mac all the time and now they've got one for iOS too which is pretty cool. Love the parsing function. Of course apple has now come up with their own version of the functionality ... so I guess fantastical will be buried soon. :-/
Running at a fixed time is a very good suggestion. I don't run anywhere near as much as I used to ... but when I was running a lot ... I ran at fixed times each day ... and tried to get a couple more runs in during the day too. It was pretty addictive!
So what's the solution? Perhaps having short term goals that tie into the long term goals and to create a link between the two?