
Sounds cool. I tend to do a form of interval training - alternate between weights and running. It's nice ... breaks the monotony of the workout quite nicely.

Interesting article.

Thanks so much for letting me know Steve. I see the pinterest icon is the same. Will try and work out how to get it to point to the right link. Much appreciated. :-)

Have you guys come across Ubersuggest ... pretty good.

Interesting. I must admit I do find it hard to break a rhythm given that they seem to be few and far between in my case. But I will give it a whirl. Thanks for sharing.

This looks AWESOME. A geographically and temporally aware screen for Androids. I want me one of these!!! Is there an iPhone app due soon?

I want me one of these!!! 'cept I have an iPhone :-(

Interesting. Great read. Thanks. I'll never see a coffee the same way again ;-)

I have this little stone which is specifically meant for sharpening knives. It's grey in colour and looks like a pumus stone. Works really well.

You're most welcome :-)

Great point. I have been looking for a 'hunger hack' for a long time and this is it!!!

Buying refurbished is a great idea and might work for a lot of people.

I use earth desk wallpaper. Love it because of the perspective it brings when I look at my mac.

Great article. Simple but effective way to outsmart the procrastinator in all of us.

Cool. I had no idea. I'm sure that ability to quickly clean up your steps would come in handy from time to time :-)

I've been meaning to do this for soooo long and I keep putting it off. Aaargh!

I used to nap in the car ... and some of my workmates thought I was a weirdo. Still ... the sleep was worth it as I wasn't get a whole lot of shut eye at nights at the time due to a long distance relationship.

If I was in a bad spot I'd check out odesk and other similar services. Worth a shot. I'd also apply on popular blogger websites like

Given the way corporations are heading this might become a valid source of income for a lot of people - alternatives seem to be dwindling fast!

I absolutely love Pocket. I find it particularly useful given that you can save links from Tweetbot directly to Pocket.