
I just use Popclip - it's a pretty cheap app for the mac that brings up a whole lot of options including copy and paste when you highlight a particular word. Great time saving hack.

Hey Amanda,

Great article. Explains why I love the colour blue so much.

Great tip. Must keep that in mind. Thanks

I find that making choices before hand ... preferably the night before is very effective. That way I only make choices by exception when unexpected circumstances arise ... rather than through the day.

Cool. Is this in addition to the existing 2GBs you get from dropbox when you sign up?


Thanks Chris. Really appreciate your taking the time to put together such a considered response.

Great article. Thanks.

Interesting. I interviewed for a role that required the Agile methodology. I kind of use it informally at work anyway.

You are clearly a very well read person. :-)

There used to be this other video show called or something. There was this ludicriously toned (and fake bosomed) chick on the videos. Very motivating

I found that creating a good exercise routine and sticking to it was the hardest part for me.

I'm sure the "little boy" to whom you were gracious enough to bestow your enlightened wisdom is duly grateful.

I'm more than happy to pay $20 a year for the reduced hassle.

Tile seems to be a pretty cool option!

While I completely agree that we tend to overestimate our contributions and understimate those of others I do think that in a lot of organisations it's all about talking up your achievements and promoting them internally rather than actually kicking more goals.

Wow! ... That explains a lot!