Great article thanks.
Great article thanks.
In my post on 8 interview tips I wrote about the benefits of looking up the hiring manager's profile on linked in. Very useful.
Great article. Thanks.
Brilliant article. I love the trio of concepts you've presented. Will think about it.
Pretttty cool!!! Thanks for sharing
I'm a huge fan of the GTD methodology. The book is fantastic and is well worth the time investment. The power of getting stuff out of your head and onto a trusted system is invaluable.
What about stretching? I find stretching before or after a workout is extremely rewarding - physically and mentally.
Brilliant article. Thank you. I agree completely that some people who work crazy hours not only end up doing "negative work" but also make it very difficult for others who are trying to balance work and family life.
I agree that being a good manager is not the same as being a good leader. But I believe leadership skills are important in management. Particularly in senior management. What is your stance on this?
Good point ... but the two skills aren't mutually exclusive. Managers without leadership skills are dangerous to say the least.
Going by that list I can honestly say there are VERY FEW leaders in corporations today.
Thanks I will.
Yes I do but the disadvantage of that is inability to sync across all my devices which I find very very useful. Possibly more so than the GTD system itself.
Chrome looks pretty awesome. I wish I could use it but unfortunately Apple's got me caught in their ecosystem (read spider web) with the reading list functionality and bookmarks that sync across all my apple devices.
Meditation is fanatastic. I've been doing it for a minute a day for the last few months now and I've had considerable success.
It's interesting to see how many of these "this is how I work" interviewees use Pen and Paper for to do lists.
Threading the straw to the tab on the can is a pretty cool one. Nice!
Breaking down tasks into smaller ones works because it reduces the 'overwhelm factor' for me when confronted with a big project. Overwhelm is something I'm particularly susceptible to.
I'm intrigued. Been meaning to buy Let Go but haven't done it yet. (I have literally 150+ books waiting to be read on my kindle app - all of which were purchased in 'moments of inspiration')
Brilliant! Thanks for that ... I'll try the email the boss' boss bit. That's GOLD! Thank you!