
I use an app called It's Playing. While the name sounds a bit lame I've found it to be fairly good.

I just checked it out. Great site. Thanks!

Sounds pretty good. Will check it out

Another really useful strategy for slow internet connections (this also applies to when I'm out and about) is to download youtube videos directly to my iPhone or iPad. There are a couple of good apps in the app store that allow you to do this.

Beautifully explained! I always knew there was a difference but didn't understand it at this level of detail.

I plan to give the planting of a garlic clove a shot. Start small I say

Will do. I remember downloading the app on my iPhone at one stage but never ended up using it.

Great article!

Great point. I'm going to give this a shot in terms of saving my data allowance.

I ALWAYS wanted to be a drummer! Never ended up doing it because first the folks didn't want the racket at home and now the wife complains.

Thanks David ... I appreciate the advice. I will definitely try and keep to this each day. Will add it to my list of things to do

Good idea. Will do.

Yes I've been using youtube quite a bit. There was a website called that I used to use all the time. Was awesome.

I've been trying to teach myself the guitar for many weekends. Sadly I don't think I'll be learning it this weekend!

I remember reading somewhere that Einstein used to have identical outfits for each day of the week because it meant that it cluttered his brain less.

Looks pretty awesome. I'm on it!

While decluttering can be quite difficult at the time I am actually doing it, I have always found it to be very liberating (in terms of my psyche).

I think that the traditional (and prevailing) approach to the work day smacks of the Taylorist scientific approach to management - possibly one of the worst things that have happened to humans in my opinion.

Great point about manually increasing the relevance of a task. I think this works really well for me.

Great article. Thank you.