Didn't know this was an option. Thanks!
Didn't know this was an option. Thanks!
"After a minor setback when she turned off the light manually to make it "time to get up," "
Ok so the first thing I read this morning (about 8 hours ago) was this article. Despite the fact that I was feeling groggy I did the gym thing as suggested.
Very interesting comments on the myth of procrastination. I never thought of it that way. Always assumed procrastination is the enemy.
Agreed. But I think iTunes is their overarching value proposition that seems to hold a lot of their devices together. The common thread as it were.
Great article. Thank you.
I love these points in the article : start slowly, stay consistent, J.F.D.I and hit the gym.
That is fantastic to hear! thank you so much for sharing.
Are you referring to iTunes in iOS7 seven? Or iTunes in general?
Wow that is fantastic to hear. So my optimistic blog post was probably justified
I am not too crazy about the look of iOS7 am very keen to know how the beta version is tracking so far. I am keen to hear how it is to use hands-on
I love the closing comment which makes a fantastic point. It effectively says that perfection is not when there's nothing more to add but when there is nothing more to take away. (I'm not sure I used exactly the same words so I didn't include quotes)
Love the no stakes approach too.
Great article! Thanks.
I tend to use ebay which is more of a hassle than anything for me. I have a 100% rating and work very hard to protect it.
Well historically we've split bills down the middle and I felt that the implicit agreement was to split bills halfway going forward.
Hi Bradlee,
I found myself in this situation yesterday. I was having a coffee with a friend and we usually split the bill halfway.