
Hi Bradlee,

I discovered this brilliant tool called the swizzle that allows you to clean up your gmail very quickly and simply. I just entered my gmail address and it unsubscribed from a whole raft of newsletters that I no longer wanted to subscribe to but couldn't be bothered unsubscribing to. It even deleted the prior emails

Cool thanks for the info

Cool ... and here I was thinking that shredding was just a term used for a guitar.

Great idea! Thanks.

" ...they enjoyed yesterday’s exercise or the exertions of the day before; they felt healthier and more physically masterful afterward and wish to relive that sensation. Longer periods between exercise sessions potentially could dull that enthusiasm." That's a great point! Thank you.

Cool. Is that a stationary bike inside the house or one that you take for a spin round the block?

A buddy of mine got the Pebble about 3 weeks ago through kickstarter. He was involved in the project from the beginning so got the watch very early in the piece.

Actions for iPad looks really cool. I remember buying it ages ago but never really used it. One of those many apps that's waiting in my app store unloved and unused.

Something that really helped me is when my friend/careers advisor said "let's just get silly for a while" .... and I started writing down options

Brilliant article! Thanks

I think HBR's recommendation of thinking of what you want to learn in the next five years is a very good one.

Wunderlist is fantastic. The interface is beautiful. I've been using it over the last few days and am starting to really enjoy it.

I sometimes try and do something similar with exercise and that works pretty well. 20 push-ups and I'm good to go for another 20 minutes or so.

I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the tip.

Yes that's a great thing to do in the morning.

Great video but I think it labours the point a bit excessively. I completely agree with the gist of the video though. You absolutely need to check what your hourly rate is and then work accordingly. There is an excellent application called Office Time that can help facilitate this.

I find the iPhone to be the simplest to use and the easiest to update etc. Basically the phone serves my needs and allows me to execute on my tasks rather than me serving the phone which I tend to find with the android.

That's tough. I'm very fortunate I don't have that issue. It must be hard for you given that unlike me you can't catch any make up zzzs during the day.

You know it's amazing but until I read this article I never really thought of a part time job as an option. In my mind a part time job always meant something that was not on the cards when it came to the finance profession but I now realise that trend is most likely to be changing given technological advancements