
It looks like a really cool app. I am resisting the urge to buy it ... and like I do with most apps I will lose that battle sooner or later

That looks pretty impressive. Have you used OmniFocus? How do you think it compares to Any.Do?

I just tried using Ctrl - F1 and Ctrl - F2 but neither were able to bring up access to the menu bar in Excel for mac

If its going to take time to get used to windows 8 (a poor product to boot) they might as well just learn how to use a Mac.

It's interesting to see the Samsung Galaxy so far down the line. I would've expected it to be At the top

About 3 months ago i bought a really great office chair with all these attributes from ... Well worth the investment!

Great approach!

When is this coming to the iPhone?

I use a Fujitsu scanner and DevonThink pro software. This has been an unbelievably good investment!

Excellent videos. Thanks!

Cool! ... So glad that it worked out for you ... btw I just saw this cool video on the internet and it's effects on the brain ... very enlightening. Check it out ...

I have been using the streaks app on the iPhone for the last 66 days to develop a meditation routine and sure works! The longer the streak the harder I find it is to skip a day.

Another great tip for when you go to the grocery store… Don't go there on an empty stomach! You tend to over purchase because you're hungry!

I use this simple Belkin case which I find to be phenomenal! It is really slim and keeps with the iPhone five form factor which is important to me. It also has a lip that extends slightly over the front of the iPhone so it protects it from fall on the glass surface. I used to use the Cygnett case before but it was

That is fantastic. If I understood you correctly there was a letting go before you were able to execute the last bit. Is that correct?

Yes it's really annoying when that happens… And paradoxically enough all that one can do… Is be mindful of it so that it eventually falls away :-)

Yes it's definitely worth trying. I look forward to hearing about your success with it :-)

... Or you could just call AppleCare and they will sort it out for you ... I have always found AppleCare to be a very sound investment. Love it!

Have you tried mindfulness? Stepping into the "witness state" has had profoundly positive effects on my tendancy to procrastinate.

This sounds like a really good app! When does the iPhone version come out???