Rescue time totally rocks. I use it all the time! It even sends me a weekly breakdown of my productivity on my computer without me having to do a single thing!
Rescue time totally rocks. I use it all the time! It even sends me a weekly breakdown of my productivity on my computer without me having to do a single thing!
Great. Thanks for that. I will give it a shot.
What's wrong with shift + command +3?
I'm a big believer in the Getting Things Done approach which makes a lot of sense.
I remember seeing this programme about how he will have a solar powered houses that generate a net surplus of energy and then sell it on to the electricity grid at peak times (via the Internet) and buyback energy/electricity from the greater during off-peak times. This will lead to an intelligent trading system all…
Looks like a really cool app. will check it out on the itunes store
Great article. My resume is currently five pages long so I really need to cut it down!
That looks like a really excellent timer. Does it work well with the Pomodoro technique?. Here's an article on Pomodoro which I find quite useful
Fantastic article. Thank you very much. something that I also find extremely helpful to make productive use of my alone time is mindfulness Of breath. Specifically what I do is focus on my breath and watch my thoughts as if they were clouds in the sky. Focusing on the bread helps by creating an anchor that I keep…
Brilliant article thank you so much!
Hey David. Love your work! Sounds like something word trying. I do get intimidated by my OmniFocus list and admittedly I use the due date field rather than the start date field.
Agreed. Unfortunately though I have a tendency to just do the stuff I like and ignore the rest. Any suggestions on how to overcome that?
That might have been an old version of Dragon dictation. I got it at half price about two weeks ago and I haven't looked back since. I have been using it constantly and in fact I'm using it for this post right now. Seems to capture what I'm saying with almost 0 errors. what version were you using?
Haven't really used sugar sync . Is it free? What are the advantages that it offers over dropbox?
DragonDictate is a great one. I really love this app. I use it all the time. In fact I'm using it right now to post this comment! :-)
OmniFocus is the one for me. It is a ripper of an app and I would put it right at the top of the list.
Hi there. I am really keen to know more about X mind. I currently use mind node and have found that to be reasonably good. I even wrote about it on my blog I don't know much about X mind though. And that seems to be the most popular of all the mind mapping apps. Does it work on a Mac?