It’s not like Thanos was a villain casual fans cared about either. I’d bet good money that a lot of the non-comics audience had never heard of him before the Infinity saga.
It’s not like Thanos was a villain casual fans cared about either. I’d bet good money that a lot of the non-comics audience had never heard of him before the Infinity saga.
Fuck, really?
You can say shit here, just sayin.
Streamers with “foods”, fuck off.
I’ll never understand why some short guys are like this. My grandfather was five foot even, and he gave no damns about this. As far as I’m concerned, he stood head and shoulders over a nobody like DeSantis no matter how many pairs of high heels he has in the closet.
I’m totally okay dismissing women using some pretty classic sexism around sports.
God I loved Twisted Metal 2. I beat it with every character to see their endings, knew every environmental shortcut and how to blow up the major monuments on every stage. I can say after firing it up on PS+ recently that the controls haven’t aged very well, but it’ll always hold a special place in my heart.
Conservatives believing literally any stupid shit.
There are two conversations to be had with your question
1. Forcing yourself on someone: This is never ok, period. With that said, context is key. The first time I kissed my wife, it was after dinner and we were at a bar. I initiated the kiss, and she was receptive. Now lets say she wasn’t receptive, that could be seen…
This isn’t a “you shouldn’t wear that if you don’t want that sorta attention” thing, this is a “you willingly walked into the lions den, and are shocked when you got pounced on”.
No one forced her to drink and it doesn’t sound like she was drugged. Seriously wtf did she think would happen when going to a house party at…
Seriously tho, fuck this chick. Why are you going to house parties and asking for cigs when you are 16, only to talk about it years later when it suits a narrative.
It looks like a CGI shitpile.
From the Urban Dictionary: “Camp” n. or “Campy” adj. refers to intentionally exaggerated thematic or genre elements, especially in television and motion picture mediums. “Camp” style willfully over-emphasizes certain elements of the genre or theme, creating an almost self-satirical milieu.
This isn’t Anderson’s first genre movie, technically. Life Aquatic is set in a world in which scientists are rock star-like celebrities, while Isle of Dogs is straight-up cyberpunk.
They don’t talk about John Carpenter’s 1982 Sci Fi Horror masterpiece.
The tweets they’re referring to each have fewer than 200 likes each, I think this is avclub scrounging for drama
You need to look deeper into things that DeSantis has actually done and you’ll realize he’s an actual fascist. He unconstitutionally fired a duly elected state attorney, personally redistricted the state (again, unconstitutionally), gutted a liberal arts college because it was a liberal arts college and forced in far…
There’s a reason why attempting a crime can still get you charged with that crime. Intent matters. Just because they failed doesn’t mean their beliefs and actions aren’t aligned with fascism. It just means they suck at it.
An attempt was made. A failed fascist policy is still a fascist policy.
Wonder how much trawling of the internet it took to find somebody who didn’t like the fun dance number cos something something racism? Gotta generate that content and engagement somehow, even if it makes American Liberalism look utterly histrionic.